
Nationalmannschaft: Nagelsmann bietet BVB-Duo “Selbststudium” an

Julian Nagelsmann, the head coach of the German national football team, has offered a unique opportunity to two players from Borussia Dortmund. The coach has given them the chance to engage in a “Selbststudium” or self-study, which could potentially enhance their skills and improve their overall performance.

Nagelsmann’s invitation comes after observing the stellar performance of Erling Haaland and Jadon Sancho, both playing for Borussia Dortmund, in recent matches. The coach sees immense potential in their abilities and believes that additional self-study could help them reach even greater heights.

The concept of Selbststudium is not new in the world of sports. Athletes have long understood the importance of self-improvement and seeking out new ways to enhance their skills. This approach goes beyond regular training sessions and allows players to focus on specific areas of their game that they feel need improvement.

For Haaland and Sancho, this could mean dedicating extra time to studying different game scenarios, analyzing past performances, and learning from the best in their respective positions. By extensively studying themselves and cross-referencing their findings with other successful players, they would be able to fine-tune their techniques, decision-making skills, and overall understanding of the game.

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Nagelsmann’s invitation is not meant to undermine the coaching staff at Borussia Dortmund but rather to provide an additional avenue for growth. Self-study can complement and reinforce the coaching team’s efforts and offer a fresh perspective to players. It is a way to empower the players to take charge of their development and actively seek out ways to become better.

The German national team has a rich history and is considered one of the strongest teams in international football. Nagelsmann’s initiative highlights the importance of constantly striving for improvement, even for players who are already at the top of their game. It is a testament to the national team’s commitment to excellence and their belief in the potential of their players.

Self-study requires discipline, dedication, and a genuine desire to learn and grow. It is a time-consuming process that often goes unnoticed by fans and the media but can have a significant impact on a player’s performance. By investing extra effort into their own development, Haaland and Sancho have the opportunity to unlock new dimensions in their game and take their skills to the next level.

It is crucial to emphasize that the concept of Selbststudium should not be limited to just these two players. It is a mindset that can benefit all athletes, regardless of their skill level. By encouraging players to take an active role in their personal growth, coaches can foster a culture of continuous improvement within their teams.

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As fans of the beautiful game, we eagerly await the results of Haaland and Sancho’s Selbststudium journey. Will it pay off in terms of improved performance and on-field results? Only time will tell. However, one thing is certain – by embracing this opportunity, they are showing their commitment to becoming better players and are setting an example for aspiring footballers around the world.

In conclusion, Julian Nagelsmann’s offer of Selbststudium to Erling Haaland and Jadon Sancho is an exciting development in the German national team’s approach to player development. It highlights the importance of self-improvement, dedication, and a hunger for excellence. We can only hope that this initiative inspires other players and teams to embrace the concept of self-study and unlock their full potential.

De BVB-professionals Emre Can en Nico Schlotterbeck werden genomineerd door Neu-Bundestrainer Julian Nagelsmann voor de USA-Reise der deutschen Fußball-Nationalmannschaft. De RTL-microfoon begon met de 36-jarige uitzending en dit duo, de eigen verantwoortlijke werking ervan.

“Natuurlijk speelt de vorm van een rol”, schreef Julian Nagelsmann voor de Amerikaanse landspelen bij RTL door de Amerikaanse voetbalspeler Nico Schlotterbeck en Mittelfeldspieler Emre Can. De Nicht-Berücksichtigung van beide BVB-Stars hatte im Vorfeld für eine der grote Überraschungen gesorgt. Der Bundestrainer fügte hinzu: “Ik ben trainer en ook verantwoordelijk voor singleplayers.”

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Emre Can etwa heeft “keine ganz leichte Situation gehabt in Dortmund, with fell Kritik”, aldus Julian Nagelsmann. De start van het seizoen zal leiden tot de deelname van de clubtrainer Edin Terzic die betrokken zal zijn bij een trainingsprogramma in de competitiewedstrijden tussen Wolfsburg en Hoffenheim op de Bank.

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Nagelsmann führte aus: “Dat zal ik doen, dat is wat jij als eerste gaat doen, wie geeft er om de stabiliteit, wie zal er blij mee zijn.”

In de herfst van Nico Schlotterbeck is de vereniging actief in het verleden van de Julian Nagelsmann-genomineerden Niklas Süle bekommt, spelen met de bisherigen Leistungen des 23-Jährigen in DFB-Dress eine Rolle. “Bei Nico (Schlotterbeck, Anm. d. Red.) is zo, er is natuurtalent, met grote honger zal er veel voedsel worden gewonnen.”

De Tür, de hoed van de Bundestrainer schon bei der Kaderbekanntgabe erklärt, sei voor de Heimgebliebenen derweil langst nicht zu: “Alles die zur Hause sindsdien, die bekommen auch die Inhalte, die zal de Woche haben haben.”

Nagelsmann kookplaat hervor: “Heißt, die können sich im Selbststudium vorbereiten and with good Leistungen wieder empfehlen.”

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